Indian Law Primer

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Reference: The Indian Evidence Act

Character = Reputation + Disposition (Explanation to Section 55)

Evidence of character may be given:
1. to impeach the credibility of a witness even if the witness is a party under Section 155
2. to impute conduct in certain cases
3. while deciding the quantum of punishment

(Section 110 of the Criminal Procedure Code deals with security for good behaviour from habitual offenders.)

In addition to this, the following Sections deal with the character of witnesses:

1. Questions lawful in cross examination to shake the credit of a witness : Section 146
2. Court decides when question shall be asked and witnesses compelled to answer : Section 148
3. Question not to be asked without reasonable : Section 149
4. Procedure of Court in case of question being asked without reasonable grounds : Section 150
5. Impeaching the credit of a witness : Section 155
